Manifestations, Rituals, and Spells! Oh my!
In the spiritual world, manifesting something means “creating something or turning something from an idea into a reality.” The best way for me to describe manifestations is to refer to them as an attraction of aspects that may not be in one’s life but are actively striving for better. It is a conscious creation of the life that we desire. Everything comes from energy and higher powers. By manifesting, we allow ourselves to “tune in” or tap into that energy. To manifest effectively, you must also believe we achieve it. By using and exuding positive energy, we can attract positive things. To properly manifest, you need to be clear about what you want, set goals for yourself, and have a positive attitude about achieving those things. A ritual is “an act or series of acts regularly repeated in a precise manner.” Some spiritual traditions include burning incense sticks and camphor, lighting a candle at the altar, using precious stones, gems, and crystals to protect your energy, and medita...